Slow Factory silk scarf


  • Silk scarves with Hubble photo prints on them?! Take me to yer leader!
  • I got to cross “be in workout video with Richard Simmons” off my bucket list!  Checkout Workout-Wednesdays:  
  • This by the Capital Children’s Choir gave me goosebumps in my ear holes.
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Almanzo took the biggest doughnut from the pan and bit off its crisp end. Mother was rolling out the golden dough, slashing it into long strips, rolling and doubling and twisting the strips. Her fingers flew; you could hardly see them. The strips seemed to twist themselves under her hands, and to leap into the big copper kettle of swirling hot fat. Plump! they went to the bottom, sending up bubbles. Then quickly they came popping up, to float and slowly swell, till they rolled themselves over, their pale golden backs going into the fat and their plump brown bellies rising out of it

  • My favorite tampon ad in the history of ever: Camp Gyno!
  • This is what Wifi would look like if you could see it. What, you guys don’t see it like I do?
  • Central Park, New York City
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Have a GR8 weekend, kumquats!

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