This Shampoo Made Me Happier About My Hair

I have long fine hair that is prone to feeling like an oil spill near the roots if I’m not careful about washing it every 1.5 days. If I have a sweaty nightmare-y sleep in one of my “off” days, the top of my head will transform into an oily, prehistoric tar pit, trapping any saber tooth tigers and Woolly Mammoths that cross the path of my forsaken scalp. Over-washing and pH balance are the culprits in fine hair that is susceptible to grease, but like, when am I supposed to reset the pH of my hair with a full blown “no ‘poo” experiment where you wash with only baking soda and vinegar? My hair is not an elementary school science project. I need to start integrating dry shampoo and shower caps into my daily routine way more often. But first, I need to establish a daily routine because most of my days start with me rolling out of bed like a Play-Doh log and into whatever form of legging isn’t on the floor in a lumpen heap.

I was getting fairly disheartened about my hurr situation for a long time. I will admit I am afraid of haircuts and the emotional intensity brought forth by the wayward snips of foreign scissors. If they cut too much it feels like part of my identity is being tourniqueted then disposed of. Yes, I am attached to my hair, like a barnacle on the hull of a ship. Woops. Never let go!!!!

Then I discovered this N.4 High Performance Hair Care- Lumiere d’hiver (Clariying Shampoo). Last year I received a sample of it in a Birchbox and immediately poo-poo’d it for its bland design and perfumy scent. I only started using it in my trip to Peru last winter and OMG. The tiny sample size lasted me the full ten days out of the country. Granted I was only taking showers every 4 days but like….


The shampoo itself flows like slick lava out of what looks like a dial handsoap dispenser. An 8.5 ounce bottle lasted me a full 2 months which is amazing for a shampoo ho like me. It manages to smooth out my hair while adding body at the same time, without giving it that dull texture and without eventually deteoriating into a stringy mess.  Plus it seems to tuck my split ends neatly into themselves. I like it.

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