Dumb and Dumber Tuxedo Wine Cozies
Dumb and Dumber is one of the movies that I spun HARD in our 90s DVD player. Back in those early days, DVD players cost like, as much as a Coachella VIP ticket. So we had to ration our film … Continue reading
Dumb and Dumber is one of the movies that I spun HARD in our 90s DVD player. Back in those early days, DVD players cost like, as much as a Coachella VIP ticket. So we had to ration our film … Continue reading
I have long fine hair that is prone to feeling like an oil spill near the roots if I’m not careful about washing it every 1.5 days. If I have a sweaty nightmare-y sleep in one of my “off” days, … Continue reading
Princess Leia is sad because disco is dead like Alderaan. This disco ball is sooOoo shabby chic. Governor Tarkin would get his undies in a bunch over the destruction of his beloved superlaser but woops, he dead. A lot of … Continue reading
Jewelry is fucking awesome. And cheap jewelry is the most awesome, until you sweat and it leaches a band of green copper alloy residue onto your skin- the insidious Zorro mark of a Forever 21 accessory binge. I’ve been really … Continue reading
This may be my favorite craft ever, which says a lot because I am afraid of cartoons!
Photo from the Outside the Lines Coloring Book Launch by LA Weekly
When I was just a young sequoia sapling I had an ample gang of Barbies that I annexed in the laundry room of my imposing glitter Barbie Dream House. Such a hoarding neophyte! I always liked Barbie, but knew better … Continue reading
So I have lost not one, but TWO (two!) crafts, aka chunky posts, to card read errors this past week. QUE LASTIMA. I AM BETTER THAN THIS! I’m a member of generation iPod fer chrissakes. There is no excuse for … Continue reading
So like…. They are taking iPhone app facial recognition to the next level, yo. The match may not make sense now, but I’d like to think that this is fortelling my future as a glistening macho action star with a … Continue reading
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